We are delighted to be a part of your child’s education and care! Research shows that by age 3, children learn more than the rest of their life combined. In many instances, this is the first experience the child has of being a member of his/her own “society.” This child is encouraged to be a functioning member of this society, thus leading them to a feeling of pride and dignity.
- The infant program provides a peaceful environment, along with the necessary nurturing, caring, and love that babies so truly need.
- The toddler program provides for successful separations, forming new attachments, exploring, and developing independence. The teachers offer the tenderness, warmth and patience so essential at this age.
- The Preschool program is a time of great discovery where both academics and social skills are emphasized. Our preschool program is truly one of a kind that adapts to all learners!
Parent Board:
A parent board is located in the room. It will contain classroom information.
Morning Arrival:
Parents sign children in on sign-in sheet above cubbies and children sign-in themselves on class whiteboard. All children are asked to wash hands upon arrival to prevent any germs from entering class.
Weekly Curriculum Calendar:
A calendar will be passed out weekly containing activities the class will be working on.
Theme Letter:
Each time the classroom starts a new theme, a letter will be sent out notifying parents. It will contain information on what we will be learning. Parents are strongly encouraged to pay attention to the changing displays as they provide a glimpse into the inner life of the classroom community.
Monthly Calendar:
A monthly calendar will be passed out highlighting special events. (Ex. letter day, holidays, etc…) It will also list our daily snacks.
Accident/Incident Reports:
If an accident occurs with your child that requires treatment, an accident report will be completed and left on the sign-out clipboard to be signed. You will keep the yellow copy. Incident reports are used to make you aware of a behavior that has happened during the day causing injury to another child. They are handled in the same manner as accident reports.
Minor incident/injury:
The child’s parent or guardian will be called and notified immediately as to the injury or illness and the severity (this includes biting incidents or any incident that would leave a bruise). Parent instructions will be followed as to the course of action desired. Simple first aid will be administered by a staff member for an injury or illness needing only minimal attention. An incident/accident report will be completed by the classroom teacher for any injuries to be signed by parents.
Serious injury:
The child’s parent will be called and notified immediately as to the injury or illness and the severity. Emergency Medical Services will be contacted if the illness or injury requires more than minimal first aid medical treatment. If the illness or the injury requires treatment at a medical facility as recommend by the EMS technicians, the child will be transported and accompanied by a preschool staff member if the child’s parent is not yet available. We will use the closest medical facility deemed necessary. The child’s file with all of the medical information will be taken and available to the EMS personnel. An incident/accident report will be completed by the attending medical personnel and a copy made available to the parent and one kept in our records.
We do a great deal of “messy” projects, so we suggest clothes that can wash easily. Smocks are always worn, but stains can occur.
We will assist you in weaning your child from the pacifier. When at a speaking age, pacifiers hinder language development. We prefer to keep the pacifier in the cubby during the program.
Below are lists of holidays we will be celebrating. If your family celebrates any other holidays, and you would like to lead a lesson, please let us know. “The lesson that a friend celebrates different holidays, or the same holiday in a different way, and is still a friend, is the most important lesson for appreciating differences in children.”
Preschool age children only understand what is in “their world,” which is why we don’t celebrate all holidays (only those celebrated by children in our class). The understanding of multiple holidays comes later in a child’s development.
- Valentine’s Day
- Christmas
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Easter
- Father’s Day
- Mother’s Day
- Thanksgiving
- Costume Day
Room Rep:
One volunteer parent will be room rep for each classroom. This person is in charge of discussing any concerns or ideas other parents may have regarding the program. Also, setting up family get together outside of the school (ex. parks…etc.). Lastly, setting up community fundraisers.
Community and Support:
Brochures discussing help our community provides for families are located on top of the cubbies. Feel free to look through. Our parent board also lists any upcoming community activities or events we are aware of.
Children with Special Needs:
We work with Child Development Services to help any children who are in need of special services. If needed, we will adapt our classroom based on the capabilities of our program and staff. Allergies are also posted and acknowledged to other parents.
Food: Little Stars provides morning and afternoon snack-75% Organic without coloring, preservatives, artificial flavor, or hydrogenated oil. Monthly snack lists will be provided. We also provide drinks which include apple juice (one cup-after we provide water for sugar reasons), water and 1% milk. Juice and water will be provided at snacks and milk at lunch. Our snacks are overseen by the USDA Preschoolers Guidelines. All allergies are posted. However, parents do bring in special treats for birthdays and holidays. Please let the teachers know if your child is able to eat such foods that could possibly have coloring, additives, etc…
The class will communicate through the following ways:
- Daily note on your child’s day and activities.
- Weekly curriculum letter
- Monthly calendar of important dates and snack schedule
- Monthly newsletter discussing the class and what they are learning.
- Parent newsletters based on topics that connect to your child’s age.
- Phone-you may call at any time.
- Email-posted on our website (littlestarsme.com) also has pictures posted
- Drop-off and pick-up or schedule a meeting for in depth topics
- 2 Parent meetings per year to go over child assessments and goals.
Any time a child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, we will notify parents of the day the child attended and what the disease is. A description of disease and its symptoms will also be included. If we should ever need to close, a phone call will be given.
A list of emergency procedures will be given to you in paperwork.
Please let us know if your child speaks languages other than English. We would like to use this opportunity to include the language in classroom activities.
Class Rules:
- Walking Feet
- Indoor Voices
- Gentle Hands
- Sit When We Eat
- Kind Words
- Respect the Classroom and Toys
- Wash hands before eating, after potty, and after wiping nose
- Put toys away before taking out new ones.